Wednesday, May 7th was Nittaya's 13th birthday and I am not sure who was looking forward to it more, Palita or Nittaya. Palita was so excited that Nittaya's birthday was coming all she could talk about was cake and presents.
Palita and I told Big about the birthday and how we wanted to do something special and make it a surprise. He was all for it. On the big day, Big, Fon and Palita took the car and went into town. Big told me it was for something special and then simply smiled. They were gone quite a long time. So long that I began to wonder if something had happened to them. But they eventually returned.
When they got to the house, Fon took Nittaya upstairs and kept her occupied so Palita could sneak in the cake. She was so excited. Then we unloaded the car which had all the makings of the glorious bar-b-que that I have grown very fond of. Once everything was inside, Nittaya was allowed to come down. Big, Fon, Palita and I (yes, me) started making things for dinner. Palita instructed me on how to wash the noodles, the mushrooms and the lettuce. She praised me every step of the way with
"Good job Mom." It was fun getting everything together for dinner. Occasionally Palita had to asked Nittaya how to do something but that was the extent of Nittaya's involvement in the preparation.
After all the food was ready, Big started the fire and we all sat outside under the covered patio and had dinner. Big, Fon, Palita and Nittaya all helped cook the meat and put the vegetables in the broth. But there was something missing...... We were eating and I asked Palita where the noodles were. She gave me a quizzical look and Big translated for her. She looked at me in surprise and jumped up to get them. She is so cute. We ate and ate and ate. Our friends Jermsak and his family arrived and we all sang Happy Birthday to Nittaya and out came the cake. Palita took great care when she carried it outside. It was Mickey Mouse...... Nittaya loves Mickey Mouse. It was the most delicious cake and we all had huge pieces. Ahmorntep actually had two big pieces of cake. He was covered from head to toe with frosting.
It was a great day with the kids. They played in the yard, washed the car when it came back from the market and then we gathered for dinner. They all seem very happy and content in the house with Big and Fon. I hope they have many more of these wonderful days ahead of them. I am certain that birthday's will always be something special for them.
Washing the car mats |
Happy Birthday Nittaya |
Tin and Ahmorntep playing in the yard |
Nittaya enjoying her cake |
Blowing out the candles |
More cake |
Scrubbing away |
Palita enjoying the dinner |
Nom, Tin and Ahmorntep |
Cleaning the inside of the car |
Till next time...........
God Bless,
How cute! What a fun time!