Sunday, July 23, 2017

Peace Meal Dinner and Jermsak's birthday

WOW!!! All I can is WOW. We had such a tremendous turn out last night at the Peace Meal Dinner. The number of attendees far surpassed my greatest expectations and we had so much wonderful and delicious food.

On arrival, everyone gathered for drinks and conversation and dinner was started shortly afterwards. About 45 minutes later, we all gathered outside under the hug tent that was set up where I gave a brief update on Promise Home and the children. That was followed by the introduction of Jermsak, Da and Care. Since it was Jermsak's birthday, we celebrated with a huge cake and singing Happy Birthday to him. He followed that with a short speech and then he introduced his daughter Care who gave a speech of her own. She commented that her English was not very good, but I would have to disagree with her. I think she did a wonderful job with her speech and her English.

In addition to giving our friends and family the opportunity to meet Jermsak, Da and Care the evening was also about raising funds to continue our work at Promise Home. We showed a short video that Big made just for the evening and I will share that with you here.

The evening was a tremendous success and I cannot thank all of those who donated so generously to the project. I am humbled by your giving spirit and your overwhelming generosity. We raised enough money to support Promise Home for another six months. Thank you so very much.

I hope you enjoy the pictures from the evening and as always, thank you for following along.

Till next time.....

God Bless,


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Welcome Jermsak, Da and Care


Last night our dear friends; Jermsak, Da and their daughter Care arrived for a stay here in Colorado. Jermsak and Da will be here for two weeks and will then travel to Wisconsin to visit with some past travelers. They will stay there for about 4 days and will then head back home to Chiang Rai, Thailand.

Care, Da and Jermsak getting off the plane at DIA

The welcoming committee

Everyone with Jermsak, Da and Care after arrival

Their daughter Care will be living with a host family in Niwot and will be attending Niwot High School as a foreign exchange student during the 2017-2018 school year. She will be studying many different but similar subjects while she is here with a large focus on improving her English speaking, reading and writing skills. The group who coordinated this project were able to pay for the airfare for all of them through generous donations from most of the many people who have traveled to Thailand in the past.

Jermsak, Da and Care with Chris and Isabelle Clements.
The Clements are the host family for Care

While Jermsak and Da are here, they will be staying with a number of different families and will be involved in a number of different activities. They are going to go to Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Chautauqua Park and many more places.

One of the most important activities will be the 2nd Annual Peace Meal Dinner supporting Charities Within Reach and Promise Home. What is a Peace Meal dinner? A Peace Meal dinner is where a group of people come together to share a potluck dinner in support of a worthy non-profit organization in a home environment. At the dinner, you learn about the organization's goals and projects and provide a donation. A suggested donation is one that is comparable with the cost of an evening out for dinner and wine. All of the donations are tax deductible and go directly towards the monthly maintenance of Promise Home.

Promise Home

Promise Home was the idea of Jermsak and Da and they were instrumental in getting it up and running until I arrived in September of 2013. Once I was there, Jermsak and his family were always there to assist me in any way. Their assistance came in the form of shopping for household items I needed, taking me food shopping, familiarizing me to the city and culture of Chiang Rai, lending me a vehicle to drive and simply being there to talk and confide with. They made my time in Chiang Rai much easier and I would not have managed without them

The Peace Meal Dinner will be this Saturday evening, July 22, 2017 at 6:00 pm. The address is 7191 Snow Peak Circle, Niwot, CO. 80503. It is a potluck dinner and I can tell you that we will have several Thai dishes to choose from. Around 7:15 there will be a short program where Jermsak and Care will speak. After they are done, we will show a short (less than 5 minute) video which was created by Promise Home's house father, Big. In addition to the program and dinner we will celebrate Jermsak's birthday which is the same day.

We invite you to join us for the evening to meet Jermsak, Da and Care and learn more about Charities Within Reach and Promise. Please remember to bring a dish to share with others.

Thank you for always following along.

Till next time......

God Bless,

5 Year Anniversary and Still Going Strong!!!

Good morning~ I woke up this morning and realized that five years ago today, I began the first leg of a journey that would forever change ...