Monday, November 10, 2014

Hello again~

Dear Friends,

I realized the other day that it has been a long time since I updated you on Promise Home and the children. I have been so busy here settling in that I simply overlooked a blog. I apologize for that.

The children continue to thrive at the home with the love and guidance of Big and Fon.  Thanks to the wonderful world of technology and Skype, I get to visit with them weekly and hear about their lives and see their beautiful, shining faces.

Ahmorntep, the youngest turned seven in September, although I still have a hard time believing that he is that old. He is still so small but everyone insists that his papers say he is seven so……… He is doing well in school and his teacher tells Big that he will move to Primary 1 next year.  He recently won a medal at sports day in school as the fastest runner in his class. He proudly showed it to me when we Skyped.

Tin is also doing well. He continues his hard work in school and he gets good grades. He takes his little brother under his wing and they are inseparable at times. He is still a sweet, loving boy and he tells me to come back every time we talk.

Both Nittaya and Palita are exceling in their schoolwork now. Last Friday, Big told me that he met with each of the children’s teachers and was told they were doing well. Big made special mention of the both Nittaya and Palita’s work and how well they are doing. They both look happy. Palita is still doing well with her English. She has the drive to learn more English and this encourages me.

All of the children just returned to school after their fall break and they will continue in school until March. They will have a week off for the Christmas holiday as they attend a Christian school and then they return until the first part of March. The country is entering the cold season and I do hope that it will not be as cold as last year. I clearly remember how cold December was. Big and Fon will be going out to purchase warmer clothing for the children so they can stay warm in the event it gets as cold as it was last year.

Big and Fon continue to help the children with their homework every evening and I know that Big’s focus on the importance of education is one of the key factors to all of the children doing so well in school.  The family continues to go on outings and do fun things. They have Bible study and worship at the home weekly and they go to church every Sunday. They are loved and cared for which is the most important thing for them.

Charities Within Reach is continuing to raise money for the monthly operational budget for the home and it is our desire to add at least four more children to the home in the near future. We have the house, the space in the bedrooms and the truck for transportation. Big and Fon are very wise when it comes to spending money and CWR believes we can find four more children who need our help and assistance. We are excited to be able to help more needy children in the Chiang Rai area. Our next big fundraiser will be the ever popular Thailand Sale on December 6th from 8:30 am-2:00 pm. Watch for more information on this.

It is through the generosity of others that we are able to do this. Your giving has made a tremendous difference in the lives of these children and even the children of Big and Fon. I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you who have donated and have supported us in this project.  May you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Till next time…..

God Bless,


Ahmorntep's Birthday dinner 

Bikes in the park 

Shirt from Aunt Ann

Ahmorntep wanted a hamburger for his birthday dinner 

Birthday cake 

Ahmorntep and his medal for being the fastest runner 

Enjoying a day at the lake 

The family 

Fon and the children 

Monkey boys

5 Year Anniversary and Still Going Strong!!!

Good morning~ I woke up this morning and realized that five years ago today, I began the first leg of a journey that would forever change ...